With 11 testers joining the ranks, it will be a busy final stretch for the dev team! Just like we did before releasing The Messenger, we invited the QA professionals over at Lionbridge to provide analysis and advice on the bugs that need to be fixed for the game to be at the level of quality we are shooting for. We now have two full months ahead of us to go from BETA (content complete) to GOLD (bug free). Everything has been fully reviewed frame-by-frame, polished and balanced to what we are happy to call "done". Last Tuesday (June 6th) was a big moment for the team as we officially achieved the Content Complete milestone! This means that Sea of Stars is now fully playable from title screen to end credits including all of the optional content, the Wheels minigame (?) and all of the hidden items. For your inboxes' sake, we'll do our best to present them as bundles.Īlright, here's today's news! SEA OF STARS IS NOW CONTENT COMPLETE Given all the exciting announcements we have surrounding the launch of the game, the pace of updates is bound to increase.

As of this writing, there are less than 80 days left until Sea of Stars is released worldwide (!!!)